Firstly....who are you and what do you do?!
Hello I'm Rebecca and I am chief 'everything' officer! If it needs doing in the business, I do it!
"We are a refillery, eco and preloved shop. We take in all sorts, from furniture to toys and clean them up to resell at a very affordable price. we also provide a pantry of food and toiletries for free without referrals. Any clothes that can not be sold are deconstructed and turned into new things, like bags and scrubbers."
How do you plan to achieve one or more of the Sustainable Future Fund’s aims?
" 1) Only by generating sustainable income will we be able to pay wages and keep serving our community"
What problem are you trying to solve?
"The amount of textile waste; It needs washing, pressing, fixing and sometimes dismantling altogether to prevent any being thrown in the bin. This all takes a lot of time and skills which we are able to share. Educating people how to repair and value clothes and how damaging fast fashion is to the planet. We also take in a lot of kitchenware!."
Thank you Rebecca, we saw first hand how your community fridges and freezers make a differece to peoples lives and how important you are to the community you serve. We think they are lucky to have you!